What is Vibroacoustic Therapy? (VAT)
VAT is a non-invasive, energy-based alternative approach to wellness. It has been used for over 40 years and works by harnessing the healing power of sound converted into vibration.
While energetically it works much like acupuncture, sound can penetrate much deeper into the body and is more effective than needles. Our bodies are composed mainly of water, so these sound vibrations set the water into motion at a deep cellular level, reverberating throughout the entire body. The molecules begin reacting and communicating with each other, leading to a sense of deep relaxation and a more balanced and healthier state of being.
What are the Benefits of Vibroacoustic Therapy?
While VAT cannot cure you of any disease, it is an effective, drug free modality that helps ease the symptoms of a number of conditions. Research and case studies have shown that VAT can help:
Reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep
Alleviate pain from arthritis, injuries, cancer and treatments
Ease breathing issues from asthma and COPD
Reduce blood pressure and aid in circulation
Speed rehabilitation after stroke, cardiac surgery, and knee and hip replacement surgery
Alleviate many of the symptoms of MS and other progressive neurological diseases and disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease
There is a particularly positive side benefit of using Vibroacoustic Therapy to get the nervous system into a state called “the relaxation response”-- the more we use this technology, we learn to recognize and know what the state of relaxation feels like, and over time, become able to reach relaxation at will. The more often the body is functioning from a state of relaxation, we may find our general health and vitality, naturally restored! VAT is a great way to learn how to relax and bring that state into our everyday life!
What happens during a session?
Vibroacoustic therapy is a soothing, relaxing experience that requires no special skills on part of the experiencer and which is conducted while you are fully clothed. You lie directly on the specially designed table that is embedded with transducers which transmit specific frequencies into vibrations that are sensed tactilely, while on the table.
The therapy itself, lasts about 20-30 minutes, and the special frequencies are chosen by the therapist after consulting with you. In addition to the specific frequencies chosen for your needs, you may also have nature sounds or music along with the frequencies, for a unique and personalized session!
After the session is complete, you will have a chance to discuss it with your therapist, and together you can review the outcome and fine- tune the therapy to maximize the benefits of your course of treatment.
*** You do not have to have serious health issues to benefit from VAT. Many people love it because it is a great stress reducer, and helps alleviate pain from old injuries, arthritis, and even muscle strain. ***
The Limitations of Vibroacoustic Therapy
Vibroacoustic therapists do not diagnose medical conditions, nor do they cure diseases or conditions. You should always consult with your physician before starting any treatment program. As is the case with all therapies, there is no way to guarantee results. What we can say is that VAT, like most therapies, is most effective when done with consistency. Repetition is required to receive and maintain desired results and is a valuable addition to any holistic self-care program!
*Information adapted from Kate Kunkel, VibroAcoustic Therapy